A TOP Secret, Simple, Immediate & Effective Step-By-Step Road Map That Not 1 In 1000 Dentists Knows About When It Comes To You CONSISTENTLY & DEPENDABLY Attracting Highly Interested And High Paying New Patients That Want YOU As They're Dentist!

“The best 39 minutes I’ve invested in a LONG time, Graig deals it straight and his system is easy to understand! I’ve saved my practice thousands of dollars from this one video. Best of all the training is FREE.”
Dr. Michael Barnett- Louisville KY

Hi Doctor,

I’ve notice a common theme with a number of my clients the last 6 weeks or so and it’s this… Tried and true marketing that’s been their “go to” “bread and butter”  kind of stuff isn’t working even CLOSE to what it used to even just 3 or 4 months ago…

And I finally figured out why they’re getting hammered so badly… and I talk about it on this FREE video.

Do you know what the ONE secret to keeping your reception area filled with more new patients than you can handle?

“If you use direct mail, internal referrals, internet, radio, Facebook or newspapers to MARKET TO your prospective new patients then YOU MUST watch this FREE video…”
Dr. Robert Gallien- Chattanooga Tenn

The secret is having the RIGHT knowledge and going directly AGAINST “conventional wisdom”…“Conventional Wisdom” is just a fancy way of saying “what everyone else is doing”… and if you’ll take note… most everyone else is SHORT ON NEW PATIENTS!

Have you spent money on direct mail, newspaper, radio EVEN internal referral programs, ONLY to be tremendously disappointed? Then don’t ignore this video or you’ll never get the marketing help you need.

You’ll be shocked how much money you’ve wasted in the past 6-12 months!

There’s A Trick To It… But The Recent Economy Of The Last Few Years AND THE RULES HAVE CHANGED!

The trick is knowing WHAT ONE THING will bring you the BIGGEST RESULTS the FASTEST at the LEAST cost and possibly most importantly… with the LEAST amount of EFFORT! That’s what you’ll discover when you watch this exclusive FREE video.
“Graig gives away a TON of implementable information on this video…really opened my eyes!”
Dr. Eric Compton

You’ll Learn:

  • Why Your Return on Investment ( ROI ) on marketing is dropping  through the floor.  It completely explains why marketing that used to work for you like GANGBUSTERS now barely works at all
  • How I know for a fact Demand Force, Smile Reminders, Lighthouse, Yodle, Sesame, Dex and a bunch of other “big dumb companies” are lying to you about how to attract new patients and retain existing ones. (you’ll be shocked!)
  • How To Get 25-35 REAL Google Patient Reviews Every Month Like Clock Work! (not using “fake review” systems like Demand Force, Demand Force, Smile Reminders, Lighthouse, 1-800 Dentist)
  • The secret to attracting new patients in the NEW ERA of the dentistry… If your primary form of marketing isn’t working anymore, then you’re about to get TRAMPLED no matter what you do
  • How the Local Internet Search Crazy Is Going to Change the Way you Attract New Patients, Online and Offline, chances are some of your competitors are beating you to the punch!
  • How The Yellow Pages & other Media Company’s Are Bankrupting Dental Marketing Budgets & Crippling Cash Flow Of Practices Everywhere!

It’s simple actually, you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken and right now whether you know it or not your marketing is severely flawed AND
“If you want to save money and get your marketing in order, then watch this video. It’s an eye opener”
Dr. Kevin Flood Grand Rapids MI

Seriously you’ll love this
and I’m happy to help,




P.S. These are 2 BIG reasons you want to watch this video-

1. It’s FREE

2. These types of patients from my marketing are worth 3X-4X normal patients because they TRUST you BEFORE they come in! This video explains the whole process… Go grab your copy now